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Swedenborg Association of Australia

Since 1992, the SAA has been offering useful events, discussions and material about spiritual life and the spiritual world from the unique experiences and writings of Emanuel Swedenborg. Our aim is to help us prepare for richer experiences ahead, and to relate Swedenborg's writings to our lives.

Upcoming Events

Join an event (shown in Sydney time)

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noon, 7pm: explore insights based on the work of Dr Philip Groves

Dr Philip W Groves taught Swedenborg and integrated it with science, with Fourth Way teachings from Gurdjieff, with Sufism and material and practices from psychology and other streams of esoteric Christianity.

10am: Swedenborg Saturday: discover, discuss, celebrate Swedenborg's life and writings

These meetings are an opportunity to delve a little deeper into any of the concepts expressed in Swedenborg writing and to relate it to facets of our own lives.

10am: read and reflect on Swedenborg's writings

In these Zoom sessions we read slowly through one of the works of Swedenborg and reflect on what we are reading.