The latest from the association
Candela number 118, December 2024
Enjoy this latest edition.
The latest from the association
Swedenborg Centre & Swedenborg Association of Australia
4 Shirley Rd, Roseville NSW 2069
Open: weekdays 9:30am - 4:30pm
Phone: 02 9416 2812
See CONTACT page for further contact and membership details
Join an event (shown in Sydney time)
12:30pm: explore spiritual work insights of Dr Maurice Nicoll
British psychiatrist Dr Maurice Nicoll (1884-1953) was a friend and close colleague of Carl Jung and was expected to become successor to Jung in providing leadership to the emerging psychiatry profession.
Topic: Soundscape and Spiritual Orientation On Thursday, 16th January, 7pm-9pm, please join us for guest speaker Rob Evans, who will be giving a discourse at the Swedenborg Centre on Soundscape and Spiritual Orientation, continuing his focus on presenting the core Work teachings.
noon and 7pm: explore insights based on the work of Dr Philip Groves
Dr Philip W Groves taught us Swedenborg principles and integrated it with science and Fourth Way teachings from Gurdjieff, as well as Sufism and practices from psychology and other streams of esoteric Christianity.