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7pm: discourse by Rob Evans on Soundscape and Remembering, A gathering


“Soundscape and Remembering, A gathering”

On Saturday, 14th September, between 7pm-9pm, guest speaker Rob Evans will be giving a discourse at the Swedenborg Centre under the title “Soundscape and Remembering” focusing on some esoteric aspects of sound and the contemporary ‘soundscape’. Rob has had a long fascination and involvement in the world of sound as well as the esoteric knowledge from Swedenborg and Gurdjieff as presented by Dr Philip Groves. Some of the works of artist Michael J Wright’s will be on exhibition that day only (Michael’s birthday). This is the 1st of a new series of exhibits of Michael’s work provided with the blessings of his estate. Enquiries: Rob Evans at or Joe Vandermeer at

Join in person at the Swedenborg Centre, or on Zoom using this link when the event commences.

Click here to open a flier with more details.

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