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There is a handy world timezone converter available by clicking here. Dr Philip W Groves taught us Swedenborg principles and integrated it with science and Fourth Way teachings from Gurdjieff, as well as Sufism and practices from psychology and other streams of esoteric Christianity.

There is a handy world timezone converter available by clicking here. In these Zoom sessions we read slowly through one of the works of Swedenborg or something closely related, and reflect on what we are reading.

There is a handy world timezone converter available by clicking here. Dr Philip W Groves taught us Swedenborg principles and integrated it with science and Fourth Way teachings from Gurdjieff, as well as Sufism and practices from psychology and other streams of esoteric Christianity.

There is a handy world timezone converter available by clicking here. These meetings are an opportunity to delve a little deeper into any of the concepts expressed in Swedenborg writing and to relate it to facets of our own lives as well as draw on other religious wisdom traditions.

There is a handy world timezone converter available by clicking here. Click to join Zoom when the meeting time arrives.

There is a handy world timezone converter available by clicking here. In these Zoom sessions we read slowly through one of the works of Swedenborg or something closely related, and reflect on what we are reading.