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Topics explored in our current events

List of current topics

The weekly Wednesday Swedenborg reading sessions has completed reading Rev George de Charm’s excellent work on the proprium (i.e. our sense of self) as well as briefly looking at the subject of temptations (based on Swedenborg quotes collated by Basil Lazer). We also from time to time look at Samuel Warren’s compendium to see which Swedenborg quotes relate to a particular topic that may arise. Next we will look at Regeneration (Swedenborg excerpts edited by Lee Van Laer), then most likely look at the four key teachings of Swedenborg (on life, on faith, on the scriptures, and on the Lord), and then we will select some teachings on usefulness (charity), and read Heaven and Hell. Join in and help us decide or contribute your favourite topic.

The twice monthly Swedenborg Saturday sessions often cover other religious wisdom traditions, such as the Hindu Advaita Vedanta tradition and Shin Buddhism, seeing how they all enrich Swedenborg’s way of stating things. Seeing reality expressed from different perspectives is often very benefitial and enriching.

The weekly Friday Dr Philip Groves reading sessions are currently studying his major book ‘Spiritual Foundations’, which covers all the essential components of a complete way of working on ourselves.

We hope you feel like joining some of these rich conversations. They are mostly a relaxed mixture of reading and spiritual reflection, or topical discussion and exploration of our own lives. We also have a lot of fun along the way.

See you soon.

Enjoy! Joe