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Links to external Swedenborg resources

Links to external Swedenborg content


Reading Guides

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  • New Christian Bible Study copious Swedenborg study material, cross-linked, and in many languages. Use it to study the Bible, various spiritual topics, or Swedenborg’s theological works.
  • New Christian Bible Study “Chatbot” function for studying Swedenborg very useful study tool using Artificial Intelligence to answer questions (questions written in natural everyday English) about Swedenborg’s theological writings and the ideas they contain.
  • Logopraxis - spiritual practice dedicated to bring a spiritual perspective to life. Here are a range of articles, videos, podcasts and online courses focused on working with spiritual texts as a basis for cultivating a transformative spiritual practice.
  • Swedenborg Study website contains many very useful free books online written by excellent authors about Swedenborg’s ideas.
  • Swedenborg’s Spiritual writings another site to search Swedenborg’s writings.
  • Kempton Project a Swedenborg-based translation of the Bible available to search and study online or for purchase.
  • Learn about Correspondences searchable site explaining many Correspondences
  • Free spiritual e-learning online courses offered by the Swedenborg Open Learning Centre (UK, previously New Church College). These new courses are especially adapted for public use based on modules previously used to train ordination students. One option for studying these online introductory and further study courses in Swedenborgian thought, is through online personal tutoring.
  • Regeneration, Spiritual Growth Regeneration is the word Swedenborg uses to describe our growth as spiritual beings - a process of being created anew as spiritual people bound for heaven. He describes regeneration as a three-step process, one that begins with self-reflection, turning towards a better inner life, deepening our understanding, and finally focusing on the regeneration of our will and affections.
  • A Daily Spiritual Practice Based on Swedenborg’s Rules of Life - according to James Lawrence, Swedenborg’s “Rules of Life” incorporates the essence of two popular Christian spirituality practices, Lectio Divina and the Ignatian Examen.
  • The Sower, Swedenborg teaching resources on each bible book bible stories and their inner meaning study guide.
  • Useful collection of blog posts, articles, book excerpts, etc primarily from the output of Theodore Pitcairn (USA).


  • offTheLeftEye has great videos exploring the afterlife, angels and spirits, near-death experiences, God, spirituality, and much more, and discusses how they relate to modern-day life.
  • Splendors of the Spirit excellent hour-long film on the life and legacy of Emanuel Swedenborg
  • Swedenborg Australia YouTube channel has videos of talks in Australia on Swedenborg and spirituality - includes Spiritual Rays of Light a slideshow of Swedenborg concepts.
  • Spiritual Shorts has topical videos produced by Rev Howard Thompson of Roseville New Church (see also link below under Swedenborg Organisations - Australia).
  • Swedenborg Community Victoria is a community of spiritual thinkers based in Melbourne inspired by Swedenborg writings and seeking to grow and practice those ideas and the light they shed on the Bible.

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Swedenborg organisations


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